Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Great Maclean Corn Husking Competition, June 1944

Great interest is being taken throughout the Clarence River district in the big corn husking events which are to take place at the patriotic carnival and rodeo at Maclean on Monday next. On Monday night last the heats were drawn and these, with the; time of starting, are:—


First Heat (starting 1 pm.): T. G. Eggins, A. Collins, J.K. McKinnon, A.Ross, Percy Sonter, Cliff Sonter, Sid Archer, Bert Marsh, John Comerford. L.G. Davis, Viv McLennan, H. McFarlane, Jack Wallace.

Second Heat (1. 25 .p.m. sharp): Earle Woods, W. T. Lang, W. McLeay, William Jobson, Allan McDonald, G. Farlow, M. Monoley, jun, Roy Wilkins, Harry Castles, Bren Moloney, Earl Doust, Athol Biddle. Roy Hannah, E.Chaseling.

Third Heat (1.45 p.m. sharp): Sid Butcher, Stuart Mclntyre, Keith McPhee, Reg Green, George Carr, Vin Loughman, Earle Armstrong, Len Cormick, Pretton Singh, Joe O'Keefe, Cecil Doust, Aub Carr,  E. J. Pateman. L. Hayman.

Fourth Heat (2.5 p.m. sharp): Barney Want, Earle Watts, K. Davis, F. Shannon, Percy  Dwyer, Glad Green, Henry Fischer, Gordon Bancroft, Jaswon Singh, Charlie Green, Albert Pateman. Jack Garvan, Thomas Cormick, C. Kratz.

The first and second in the heals will-start in the final.


Competitors in the over 50 event are as follows: John McPhee, Denny Commerford, Dave Anderson, W. Bathgate, F. J. Bathgate, James Mclntyre, Freeman Apps, J. D. McKay, Lav. Davis, C. A. Farlow, C.J. Green, M. J. Moloney. sen, D. J. Moloney, Albert Pateman, Cecil Doust, Frank Want, M. G. Farlow, Ken McDonald, George Phemister, Art Drew, Fred Ford, Joe Causley, Sam Causley, Fred Garde, Fred French, L. Hayman. This event is timed to start at 2.20 p.m. sharp.

The final of the championship will take place at 2.45 p.m. sharp.


The individual events will be run strictly to time, and competitors are asked o take up their positions on time, otherwise, they will be disqualified.

The variety of maize to be husked is .the Leaming variety. It is in excellent condition and has been selected for size, type, and uniformity.

It is requested that all competitors who have not done so pay their fees to Glad Green, who will be present on the ground to collect same and who will be in charge of the draw for positions in the competitions. The judges are: Time judges, Messrs.: W. A. Bancroft and Jack Layton; clean husking, judge, Mr. R. J. McDonald.

The following rules must be observed: Competitors must not arrange cobs before the word "go" is given by the starter. All competitors are requested to take their positions at the heaps of cobs drawn and must remain in a standing position with hands behind their back. The cobs must be husked clean to the satisfaction of the clean husking judge. Any husking pegs suitable to the competitor may be used.

Competitors after completing the husking of their cobs must stand upright and must remain in that position until the judges decision is given.

Any competitor violating any rule is liable to be disqualified.

The judges' decision in all cases is final and binding.

(By "Corn Cob")

No other event in the past 50 years has caused as much interest on the Clarence River as the big corn husking championship to be held at the Maclean Showground on Monday next at the big rodeo. The big challenge event Jack McPhee v. Frank Want and Frank Bathgate is  causing much comment.

Frank Want has publicly stated he has no fear of being able easily to dispose of his opponent, and Frank Bathgate, although he is not saying much, is secretly training as hard as he can. Jack McPhee, however, has been in strict training somewhere at Lawrence, and his issued a statement that he will walk of with the event.

Late entries include Joe and Sam Causley, of Chatsworth. Joe is the Chatsworth hope, and it is reported that he has a championship to his credit.

Albert Pateman, the one-time Ulmarra champ in the event, is near the top of the poll in the list of favorites for the event. In the opinion of Mr. Pateman, however, a lad to watch will be Athol Biddle, of Lower Southgate.

Denny and Bill Commerford, of King's Island, are in training together and it is reported that Bill is two cobs faster in 20 than Denny.

Dan Moloney is on a visit to Sydney, and it is reported that he is getting the latest tips from the lounge lizards of a leading hotel there. Fred Ascoli, the Palmer's Channel whitehope, is out of the event. Rumor has it that Fred was whittling a husking peg when he cut his hand. Bad luck Fred.

William Jobson, the Palmers Island lad, is standing up to the strictest training routine, and is in excellent shape. Shrewd judges down the Channel say to put your money on Jobson, as he will be a stumbling block to many of the so-called champs. A dark horse is L. Hayman, of whom nothing is known.

In the over 50 event, Fred Ford, the fishermen's hope and former hurricane husker of the Hunter, has jumped to the top of the list of favorites. He is closely followed by Chas J. Green, of Woodford Island. Charlie has been secretly clocked by spies during the last week in his barn, where he was getting in some quiet training at 2 a.m. The time is not revealed, but on the information reaching him, Frank Bathgate says he is still three cobs faster in 40 than Charlie.

From:  Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), Thursday 8 June 1944: ‘Corn Husking Competition Attracts All River Interest’


The corn husking competition was one of the leading attractions of the afternoon. This entailed considerable work on the stewards in charge — Messrs. T. G. Eggins and C. Bakes. They were assisted by Messrs. W. E. G. Green and Barney Want. The heaps of 30 cobs were placed in the ring just below the hillside in full view of the crowd. The open event was contested by about 40 competitors in three heats and a final, and resulted as follows: First heat: T. Eggins, Lower Lawrence, 1; A. Collins, Lawrence, 2.  Second heat: Athol Biddle, Southgate, 1;  H. Castles, Palmer's Channel, 2 Third heat: G. Carr, Palmer's Channel, 1. In this heat L. B. Hayman, S. Mclntyre and K. McPhee finished 1, 2 and 3, but were disqualified by the clean-husking judge, Mr. R. J. McDonald. Fourth heat: C.T. Green, Woodford Leigh, 1; Barney Want, Lower Lawrence, 2. In this event Jaswon Singh finished first and was disqualified by the judge. Final: A. Biddle 1, H. Castle 2, B. Want 3. T. Eggins first to finish was disqualified by the clean-husking judge.

Husking over 50 years. — Mert Farlow 1, C. J. Green 2, Jack Watkins 3. About 15 competitors.


The Maclean Pipe Band (Pipe Major F. Gregor), the Maclean. Brass Band (bandmaster G. White) and Mr. Lav Davis' hill billy orchestra from Palmer's Channel supplied music at intervals. The orchestra received special commendation. (Lav Davis was Nana Marsh’s uncle and next door neighbour)

From: Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), Monday 19 June 1944; ‘Rodeo And Carnival At Maclean Attracts Large Crowd’

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